Class Jobs
Shortly after graduating I was able to spend some time substitute teaching. I actually learned quite a bit through this and I loved to be able to see how different teachers do things. I saw all kinds of neat ideas and saw what worked and what could use improvement. I also feel much more comfortable writing sub plans now as I know what's helpful to share with my sub.One of the things I liked when coming into a class was finding that the students had very clear jobs they were aware of. This really makes the day go by smoother when they know what their responsibilities are. Additionally, I feel that class jobs encourage students to work together to accomplish a task as some of my jobs are actually team jobs. I also liked that many teachers used picture frames and ribbon to display various things. Combine these ideas...and an awesome job chart is born! (It's hard to see but each section has a simple but related picture)
My jobs are:
Line Leader: Self explanatory. :)
Door Holders: I have two, necessary for the layout of our school.
Pencil Sharpener: This person takes the basket of dull pencils and sharpens first thing in the morning.
This person is the only one who sharpens pencils and it only happens in the morning to avoid unnecessary disruptions during instruction.
Postmaster: Helps me collect/pass out papers and take notes, papers, etc. to other teacher or rooms.
Maintenance Crew: This crew consists of four students. They must work TOGETHER to keep our room clean. Two handle dustpans, one cleans desks and makes sure all chairs are stacked, and the fourth cleans the whiteboards. I don't assign these specific jobs, they must work out the disputes among themselves and take turns when delegating tasks.
Snack Team: At our school classes receive snacks certain days of the week that come in a rolling laundry baskets. Two students take care of the basket, one takes it to the room, one drops it back off in the cafeteria in the afternoon. Again, students must work together when delegating tasks.
Class Assistants: Two students who help with miscellaneous things. These tasks can range based on what we're doing during the day and where I actually need assistance.
Technology Manager: This person turns the lights on/off, turns the projector/document camera on, makes sure the student laptops are plugged in to charge, and helps other students use the laptop if they need it.
In Training: This section is where the 'extra' students hang out. They aren't specifically assigned to a job, but they fill in for absent students. I actually have a small enough class that none of my students are in training, they all have jobs.
Please feel free to email me at if you'd like me to send you the jobs I created. If you'd like the colors to match your ribbon, let me know and I can change it before I send it.
~Farm Girl Teacher
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