Back in October, my sister approached me about sewing her prom dress for her this year. (Her senior year) I eagerly agreed and began picturing the gorgeous dress I was going to make...
...about two weeks after she asked I had a miniature panic attack when I realized that I COULD NOT screw this up....oh boy.
Little did I know, this would be one of many panic attacks as the next few months ensued.
Sure, everything started out okay. She decided on what she wanted, I did my research, we picked a pattern, etc.
But then came the fabric shopping...and suddenly everything became even more second panic attack came when I realized I'd have to use chiffon, lamé, satin, beading, and FEATHERS all on the same dress, and, oh yeah, it's probably the most important article of clothing in high school ever...
I made a toile (more on that later) and, well, everything seemed fine...until it came time to make the one shoulder part of the dress. My timing was very poor as I asked my sister to try it on the same day she was having her wisdom teeth taken out and emotions were already running a bit high. Next thing I knew, I was smack dab in the middle of a very strange hysterical breakdown about how she didn't want armholes!
What? Whaaat? Can someone please explain to me how I make a dress without ARMHOLES??? I can't just sew your arms into the dress, they have to poke out somewhere!!!
Needless to say, she did eventually come to terms with the fact that we would HAVE to add armholes, but of course that decision wasn't reached until after the bodice had been completed, and yes, I ripped it out and redid it...changing the midriff fabric as well.
After that, everything was smooth sailing until I realized that I was going to have to insert an invisible zipper into the side of the dress on a lining, chiffon, and lamé...craaap!
After additional research, this did happen, and...I didn't have to rip it out! yaaay! :)
And again, we were flying high serger broke. Oh. My. Goodness. All I can say is thank God for great friends and their generosity, my friend's serger got quite a bit of use that night! :)
And then came those dreaded did I let her talk me into this. Those darn feathers just sat on our dinning room table taunting me, torturing me, for MONTHS. Who sews with feathers????
Apparently, I do. This actually turned out to be considerably easier than I anticipated and I quickly add the feathers and beading.
Needless to say, we came out on the other side and I think the dress looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself! :)
Tutorials, will, of course, follow. I'm still debating on whether or not I'm going to do a tutorial on how I did her hair, let me know if this is something you'd be interested in! :)
Hope you enjoyed!
(And if you didn't, keep it to yourself! lol)
~Farm Girl Teacher