Sunday, July 21, 2013


I have added a new addiction to my repertoire: Craftsy! I happened upon this site while browsing someone else's shop on Ravelry and fell in love! If you haven't visited it the best way I can describe it is the fiber arts version of Pinterest. (They have other things too, but I don't care so much about those) :) I went ahead and posted my patterns on the site, here. However I will try to keep my Ravelry and Craftsy shops as similar as possible so you can stick with your favorite. (Although I seriously recommend both). Unfortunately, I've already found so many patterns I LOVE, I may need to get a separate job to pay for my Craftsy account. :)

Also, here's a sneak peek at the pattern I'm currently working on:

I began crocheting this phone cover on the way home form a vacation in North Carolina. My owl is still missing a beak, and I'm working on providing a variety of sizes before publishing the pattern, but I hope to get it up soon! 

And here's a little something just to make you smile: 

An upside down bunny! :)

I gave my male rabbit, Shrek, a haircut last night and just couldn't resist a picture of this!

~Farm Girl Teacher


  1. a woman after my own heart! cute bunny and thanks for the reminder that its time to groom our angora babies ;)

  2. Thank you :) I love my Angoras! When you groom yours do you clip or pluck the fiber?


Like what you see?

I'm often asked if I will make custom projects or sell my work. The short answer is, yes.
My patterns are always free, but I do charge for projects mostly to cover the cost of resources, and my time. Basically, if you see something you like and want me to make it, I'd be happy to talk to you. The best way to contact me is through my email I can make nearly anything and I've had people in the past send me photos of what they're interested in. Time to make it, cost, and more can be discussed through my email and varies greatly based on what you'd like made.
I also sell my hand spun yarn at our local Farmer's Market. I don't really sell yarn online because my inventory varies greatly, however if you know you want something specific, I can usually work something out with you, again, just send me an email.